How To Forget A Spoiler

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How much do you hate spoilers? They can absolutely ruin your day,a s you simply can’t get them out of your head! Can you make yourself forget them?

How To Forget A Spoiler

Spoilers Suck!

For a lot of readers, game players, and movie and TV watchers, a spoiler is one of the worst things that can happen to them!

They can completely ruin the immersive experience that they provide, as you know exactly how something is going to play out!

What’s worse is that, a lot of the time the spoiler isn’t even your fault!

Sure, everyone has had their moments when they’re browsing a forum or Twitter thread discussing their favorite new show – and then along comes someone who’s seen the next episode before you, telling everybody what happens and ruining the whole thing!

Those are bad, but at least you know you have yourself to blame for them – after all, what did you expect people to be talking about? However, those aren’t the only way spoilers happen nowadays!

Nowadays, you’ll see spoilers directly in the title of articles online – sometimes even in the very links themselves!

These spoilerific titles are put there for a good reason – people click on them! They generate views, which translates into ad revenue for the people running the website.

However, they’re absolutely awful for the person who unwittingly has things spoiled for them!

With that in mind, how can you deal with spoilers? Is it possible to forget them?

How Invested Are You?

It is possible to forget a spoiler, but not always. The simple fact of it is that, once you start caring about something, you’re going to remember things about it.

So, in all likelihood, if you really care about the character or story that’s been spoiled for you, you’re really not likely going to be able to forget about it.

This is because you’re actually invested in the story! This in itself is a good thing – the creators clearly did a good job! But the more you’re invested, the more things will simply lodge in your brain. And, the less you care, the easier it will be to forget a spoiler.

Think about some of your favorite stories from film, tv, literature, games… you can likely remember the stories by heart, right? Every single story beat, every plot point, and every single line in some cases – and you likely can’t imagine being able to forget them.

And, likewise, there will be some films, games, shows, books, etc that you’ve played, watched, read… and can’t remember a single thing about. You didn’t care about the stories being told, the characters, and as such they didn’t take root in your mind.

Spoilers for those sorts of things, you won’t care about. And, they’ll fall out of your memory a lot more easily than a spoiler for something that you do care about.

Time Is A Healer

Time Is A Healer

One way of forgetting spoilers is with the passage of time. This isn’t exactly ideal to say the least!

You’re more likely to forget something the more time passes, so it’s possible that simply waiting a long time can help you forget.

Of course, as previously discussed, this is hardly guaranteed. After all, some stories stay with us a lifetime, so how can you be expected to simply forget so easily about something that you cared so much about?

Simply put, you can’t! At least, there are no guarantees. Still, if you really want to forget a spoiler, there’s no amount of mental trickery that can help you.

You’re simply going to have to forget the true and tested way – by letting so much time pass that you simply don’t remember anymore!

Some people may recommend using some “mental trickery” in order to help you forget, but you’re more likely to reinforce the memory by doing this! After all, nobody ever forgot something by thinking about it really hard.

You’re Just Going To Have To Finish The Story – Or Ignore It

This is going to have to be the truth for most of us, unfortunately! If you get a story you’ve been really enjoying spoiled for you, the truth of the matter is that you’re most likely still not going to wait until you finish watching, reading, or playing it.

If you care about the story, you’ll probably want to finish it, no matter whether it has been spoiled for you or not. And if you don’t – well, it wasn’t important enough for you to finish!

So, honestly, the best thing to do is to ignore spoilers. Not just on the internet or in real life, but ignore them in your own head too!

Easier said than done, but you’ve just gotta think about something else for a while. Or, get it over and done with and finish the story.

That way, the spoiler is in the past – it’s not going to eat at your mind anymore! The spoiler only sucks while you haven’t finished the story, so getting it over with one way or the other is your best bet.

Either way, the real trick to dealing with spoilers is to stop caring so much!

It Sucks, But It’s Not The End Of The World

Yes, that absolutely sucks to hear, and it may seem like a flippant approach to the topic, but it’s simply the truth.

You’re not going to get the spoiler out of your head if you care about the story – and the only reason why the spoiler sucks is because of how much you care about the story!

However, it’s sadly the nature of the modern fiction beast. Spoilers are absolutely everywhere, and it doesn’t seem like things are going to change anytime soon.

There’s absolutely no incentive for people not to spoil things, especially when it makes them money!

So, unfortunately, we kinda have to just accept spoilers as a reality to some extent, and learn to care less about them.

After all, fiction isn’t about the destination, it’s about the journey – and no spoiler about a plot point can replace the journey each creator takes us.


You might not be able to forget spoilers easily, but hopefully our guide has helped show you it’s possible to move on from them!

Athena Sula
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