How To Get Out Of A Reading Slump

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As much as we all love reading, sometimes we can burn ourselves out and lose our motivation to read. 

Although it’s fine to take breaks from reading from time to time, it can be really upsetting to feel like you have lost your love for reading.

How To Get Out Of A Reading Slump

Sometimes, the reason behind this clump could be you are just reading the wrong book or you have something else going on in your life that is distracting you – but if you really want to get out of your reading slump, here are some hints and tricks you can try to regain your love for reading. 

So, let’s take a look! 

Reread A Favorite 

A great way to regain your love for reading is to reread a classic favorite.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a children’s book you read years ago as a kid or even if it is a short story rather than a novel – it’s better to read something than nothing at all! 

As a result, you should try and read something you know you have always enjoyed.

This way you can get back into the habit of picking up a book and sticking it out to the end.

This will hopefully motivate you to try something new or challenging so you can complete your goals. 

So, not only can you rediscover your love for reading by reminding yourself of your favorite stories and why you love them so much, but you can ease your way back into reading slowly with something you know you are going to enjoy. 

Switch To Audio

If you really want to find out the end of a story but you are struggling to read the pages (perhaps it’s a classic written in an old form of English, or the writing style is just not something you enjoy reading) then switching to the audiobook version is a great way to get around this. 

Some people may argue that listening to an audiobook is not the same as reading but it can definitely work to help you get into a story and carry it through.

Simply hearing some great stories being read to you can pique your interest in reading again and so, some people switch from audio books back to reading

Some people even listen to the audiobook while reading so they can follow along, improving their concentration and helping them follow the story more clearly.

So, you can read and listen to the story simultaneously. 

Also, hearing someone else read a story to you can allow you to hear and interpret certain parts differently.

Different readers will emphasize different words or sentences, so this can give you a totally different perspective on your novels.

This could also pique your interest and inspire you to read more to discover new viewpoints on books you have already read. 

Another alternative medium that people choose to read as a way to move back into reading is comics and graphic novels.

So, find the right medium for you and try to slip back into reading one word at a time. 

Try To Read In A Different Environment

Sometimes, we are easily distracted by the things around us and this can make it difficult to focus on our reading.

Interruptions from other people, or distractions from our smartphones or computers can break up our reading patterns.

So, by taking your booking and reading somewhere else such as a quiet room or outdoors, you can avoid distractions and focus more on your book. 

Another great reason to try this method is just because reading in a whole new environment always makes reading a book feel like a whole new experience, refreshing your mind and helps prevent boredom. 

So, pick up your book and find a different spot to try and give your book another try.

Join A Book Club

 To get through a book and finish it, perhaps all you need is some social support. 

Reaching out and asking for encouragement to finish a book is a great way to help find the motivation to finish your book.

If not your friends and family, then you can access this kind of support from fellow bookworms by joining a book club. 

Book clubs are filled with people who understand about book slumps and reading blocks so they can also share their own tips and hints that help them get out of their reading slumps.

Not only that, but book clubs also set deadlines and reading assignments that some people may find as motivation because they like the pressure of a deadline and consequences for not reading the book they want. 

So, joining a book club could help you find support and deadlines to force you to read! 

Take A Break

This hint may sound counterproductive but sometimes, our reading slumps are caused by factors that are out of our control.

Stress, tense relationships, or any other kinds of problems could be making it difficult for you to focus on your book.

Because these things are out of your control, there’s nothing you can really do until you are in a better frame of mind.

So, take this time to focus on yourself. If what is blocking you from reading is something you can try and fix, then do it – but if it’s other factors like grief or stress, then you may want to just relax and let your emotions flow. 

Once you are in a better frame of mind, you can try reading again – but don’t force yourself to read when you are not ready to.

It’s not the end of the world and whenever you are ready, those books will still be waiting for you no matter what. 

Final Thoughts

Slumps are a normal thing to experience with any hobby, so don’t feel bad for losing your motivation to read.

However, if you really want to get back into reading, try the above tips to try and find your motivation. 

Give them a try and hopefully, you’ll be back doing the things you love!

Athena Sula
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