How To Focus On Reading

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A good book should be easy to read from cover to cover but sometimes, for whatever reason, we can find it difficult to focus on a book. Some of us may give up, but you have to read a book either for school or for your book club. 

So, how can you get through a book and force yourself to focus?

How To Focus On Reading

Here are some tips and tricks you can try out to force yourself to focus.

This way, you can force yourself to read whatever book you are assigned and to stay on track to meet your reading goals. 

Remove Distractions 

This is an easy tip to try out and usually the first thing a lot of people do, but it’s surprising how many people still forget or refuse to let go of the things that are distracting them.

If you really want to focus on your book, then you need to step away from whatever is distracting you. 

This includes your phone, other people or noises that are breaking your focus. So, put your phone away and switch it on silent, remove yourself to another room or put on sound-blocking headphones.

If you have to supervise children or something similar while you want to read, then perhaps it’s best to wait until nap time or when they are doing something that is much quieter than playtime. 

On the other hand, some people can find it easier to read and concentrate when there is background noise. If you are still struggling to read in silence, then try listening to some background white noise, ambient videos online, or some classical music.

Even switching the TV on and turning the volume down low can make the world of difference for some people. 

So, try reading in different places with different noise levels to find the right environment for you! 

Break It Up Into Smaller Chunks Of Text

Setting goals for yourself is a great way to quickly work through a book and also find the motivation to do it, but setting yourself unrealistic goals can be just as demotiving.

So, if you are struggling to get through a book that is just so boring that it’s making your mind numb, try breaking it down into smaller parts. 

Allow yourself to take a break after every page or even paragraph. This way, you can motivate yourself to just force yourself to read the book so you can quickly get to the next break you have.

Reward yourself with five minutes on the internet, listen to one song, or have a snack once you reach your goal. For example, every time you finish a page, give yourself one M&M or one chip as a treat. 

This method of breaking down a text will help you easily read through smaller chunks of writing with ease knowing that in about two minutes, you can do something fun instead! 

Make Notes And Reminders 

A common problem that people find is that once they put down a book for a while, they forget what has happened and find that they have to go back and reread certain parts, increasing the time they have to spend reading one particular book. 

If you are struggling to focus and remember what’s going on, try to summarize and review every chapter or page you have read. This way, you can focus more on the plot and keep reminding yourself what is going on.

This way you can quickly finish a book without losing your focus on what is happening in the plot, who the characters are, and their relationships with other characters. 

If you are studying a book for college or school, then this method is a great one to try because you will always have those notes to fall back on.

You can even make notes on certain language techniques used so you know where your evidence is when it comes to writing essays! 

Or…just use SparkNotes! 

Improve Your Focus Overall

Sometimes, the issue is not the book and instead it could be that you just have poor focusing abilities. 

Reasons for this could be that something is going on in your life that is distracting you and stressing you out, so you find it difficult to get into the right mindset to read or do anything else at all! In these cases, you may either have to tackle that issue head on.

You also may have a natural behavioral condition that makes it difficult for you to focus in the first place. In this case, taking your prescribed medication or seeking certain methods specific to your situation can help you focus further. 

Some people recommend trying meditation, exercising before you start reading, and making sure you have a snack before sitting down to read.

Consuming less sugar and caffeine will help you concentrate more and raising your heart rate is moven to improve memory and concentration.

So, reel back on the coffee and do a few exercises before you try to read. 

Think About Why You Are Reading

A great way to motivate yourself is to remind yourself why you are even reading this book in the first place? 

Is it for fun? Because if it is and you are clearly not having fun, why are you forcing yourself to get through it in the first place? In this case, perhaps you just need to put the book down and return to it later down the line.

There’s no shame in saying that a book just wasn’t for you – and it all comes down to your personal taste! 

If you are reading something for your studies, then you will probably have to force yourself through it. Remind yourself about the grades you want and how they can benefit you in the future.

Hopefully, this will at least kick your brain into gear for a short while to shave off a chunk of the text. 


So, those were some popular hints and tricks to try and get your mind to focus on reading. Hopefully, you can force yourself through your block and finish whatever kind of book or text you are reading. Good luck!

Athena Sula
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