How To Remove Stickers From Books

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We all know the struggle – you’ve just come home with a new book and you’re excited to display it on your bookshelf, but there’s a big ugly sticker on the cover. 

How To Remove Stickers From Books

If you’ve ever tried to remove a sticker from a book before, then you’ll know it can be quite the undertaking!

Even if you manage to peel the sticker off without it tearing into a dozen annoying strips, then you’ll probably be left with some glue residue on the cover.

However, this doesn’t mean that you have to resign yourself to either leaving the sticker on or struggling to remove it.

There are actually a couple of quick and easy ways to remove stickers from your books without leaving any sticky residue or damaging the cover!

In this handy guide, we’ll take a look at some of the best ways to remove stickers from books. So let’s get started, shall we?

How To Remove Stickers From Your Books: 4 Easy Methods

There are a few different ways that you can remove stickers from books, but these four methods are the best ways to get stickers off your books quickly and easily.

Each of these methods takes only a few steps and a couple of minutes – so let’s break each method down!

1. Peeling The Sticker

The simplest way to get a sticker off your books is to just peel it off; however, as we’ve already covered, this can be easier said than done.

Just trying to peel the sticker off can cause it to rip into tiny pieces, and often leaves sticky residue behind.

If you want to peel it off properly, you’ll have to get creative.

While it is possible to peel the sticker off using a fingernail to get beneath it, it’s much easier to use a sharp blade like a knife.

Knives with a sharp edge can damage the cover of your book if you aren’t careful; using a blunt but thin blade such as a palette knife or butter knife will let you scrape off a sticker without tearing or scratching the cover.

Simply use the edge of the knife to lift up the edge of the sticker, then carefully scrape beneath the sticker to lift it away from the book.

It’s important to do this slowly and gently in order to avoid damaging the book or the sticker.

Eventually, the sticker will come off! There may be a little bit of glue residue left of the cover, but this can be easily wiped away.

2. Dissolve The Sticker

This method involves using a chemical to dissolve the sticker or its glue without affecting the cover of your book.

Rubbing alcohol or lighter fluid are both easy ways to dissolve the sticker and get it off your book – however, these can easily damage the book or its cover.

Instead, nail polish remover is a much safer way to get rid of the sticker while leaving your book intact.

To do this, start by peeling away as much of the sticker as you can. This just makes it easier for the nail polish remover to do its thing, so don’t worry if you don’t do a perfect job here.

From here, dip a cotton ball or cotton swab in some nail polish remover, and use it to wipe away any remaining bits of sticker or glue that are still stuck to the book.

The nail polish remover will dissolve the glue and paper, letting you wipe them clean off.

Just because nail polish remover is safer than lighter fluid or rubbing alcohol, it doesn’t mean that it won’t damage your book cover.

Don’t do this method if you have a porous cover, as the nail polish remover can soak in and damage it.

You should also avoid using too much polish remover – you only need a little bit to dissolve the sticker, and you should wipe it off as soon as you can.

If you’re worried about it soaking through, consider putting a sheet protector between the cover and the pages to prevent any damage.

3. The Hair Dryer Method

The hair dryer method, wouldn’t you know it, uses a hairdryer to heat up the glue on the sticker to make it easy to remove.

This is an incredibly simple trick to do – simply blow a hairdryer onto the sticker for a minute or so to melt the glue, and you can easily peel it off with your finger or scrape it off like the earlier method.

The best part about melting the glue is that it leaves no residue behind.

Just give the cover a quick wipe down after peeling the sticker to get rid of any remaining glue before it gets the chance to dry again.

You can also use an iron to melt the glue on the sticker, but this can be dangerous and you should stick to using a hair dryer whenever possible.

4. Goo Gone

Goo Gone is literally made for problems like this! Goo Gone is an adhesive remover designed to get glue out of practically any material out there. Luckily, this includes book covers too!

Using Goo Gone to remove a sticker is essentially the same as using nail polish remover.

Start by peeling off as much of the sticker as possible, before using a cotton ball soaked in Goo Gone to dab away at the remaining paper and glue.

Then, simply wipe up the residue, and your book is as good as new!

Goo Gone is also really handy because it doesn’t leave any marks or residue itself, unlike other oily or chemical adhesive removers.

Final Thoughts

Removing stickers from your books can be annoying, but with these quick and easy methods, you’ll be able to get those annoying stickers off your books in no time!

So now that you know four simple ways to get stickers off your book covers, it’s time to put your newfound knowledge to the test!

Athena Sula
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